This year, why not wear a ghostly light-up Halloween Bow Tie? Here is how to do it! Follow this guide and you’ll be the talk of the water cooler ( or party) in no time.

Gather your materials

Designing and Patterning the Ghostly light-up Halloween Bow Tie

The design of the bow tie is very simple. All you need to know is what size it’ll be on your head, and I knew from past experience that a little bigger than normal meant something like a 7×9.5 inch rectangle would do nicely!

Creating the Bow Tie

Sewing the bow

Begin by cutting out your pattern for the bow tie. I always like to do a folding test to ensure I am happy with the size I cut. Next, it is time to sew together the bowtie edges. Gather down the center to create the bowtie and wrap a small piece of ribbon around it to hold the gathers in place.

Soldering the LED

Now it is time to solder the ghost LED to the single cion battery case.(The parts you see in this video are the parts used for the bowtie however it is the same steps to create each light up accessory)

Test the leads to ensure you know which is positive and which is negative

Twist the strands together and fold the end into a hook. This will make it easier to attach the two leads together.

Prep the battery pack by striping the wires adding the heat shrink and finally twisting the strands together and forming the end into a hook so that it can be easily attached to the LED.

Test your solder points

Heat shrink to fully conceal the wires.

Finishing touches

Now it is time to ad the LED onto the bow. I used clear thread and whip stitch around the ghost using the arms and tail as points to ensure the LED is secured onto the bow.

Finally, add on the pin or tie clip so that you can actually were the bowtie out!!!

Final Bow Tie

Want to begin your own adventure into Wearable electronics? Grab my free mini-course to start learning the basics!!!

Love this spooky project?? Check out some of the other Halloween fun ideas you can create!!!! Like this fun Hair Bow or this glow-in-the-dark shirt, or even this fun Light up pumpkin pin!!!

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