I’m a creative person, It’s my passion, and I love to share that with others. Creativity comes in many forms, and mine comes in unexpected, imaginative, innovative, and expressive ways! So many people these days are so worried about being “normal” or “fitting in” that they don’t tap into their own unique abilities, talents, or potential. That’s why I aspire to encourage everyone I come across (friends, family members, strangers) to find out what they’re good at and then go for it!

Who am I?

I am a costume technologist, and I create art using fabric, thread, trim, Arduino boards, LED, and so much more. I love collaborating with people to construct intricate, beautiful garments or exceptional pieces because of our creative, collaborative teamwork. My favorite part is discovering the process from beginning to end and seeing what it becomes. I strive to help people see that they can be creative in whatever way suits them best, whether dancing, cooking, or making music – and the more time you put into something, the better your skills will become!

I also love to motivate others through my artwork by giving tips on making their own digitally responsive garments or jewelry. I have many different posts explaining the step-by-step process of creating projects such as light-up suspenders or adding LEDs into the hem of a dress, or creating your own temperature-sensing scarf for the Christmas party. It is so easy to stand out with a simple project that you have created!! Everyone loves when they hear someone personally made what they are wearing.

My goal in life is not just to inspire people through art – although this makes me so happy! My ultimate dream would be to have many courses that inspire and instruct people in crafting their own light-up creations!!!

I have created some starter courses to excite people to create their own sewable electronic projects. These include planning out the circuit layout, sewing the circuit down, and realizing their first light-up project. Another is how to manipulate the board’s coding so that the LEDs will change their blinking sequence. There are many more classes that I have plans to create. I am excited to design and create these classes to continue to inspire and encourage others.

Check out my 2 free courses here!!!

Lessons Learned

What I learned during my time with sewable electronics is always trying, even in the face of failure. If you have a project idea, go for it and get your hands dirty! Smoke out a small board or melt a battery pack. It is all experiences that become the stories you love!!! There will always be people who want to help or give constructive criticism – so take advantage of the resources available to move forward with whatever creative path you choose.

Failing forward is another way to learn from your mistakes. I love to fail forward and try new things, even if they don’t work out the first time – it’s how you learn what works for you and what doesn’t!

Remember, the best thing you can do is keep going…keep trying new things with creativity or whatever passion drives you. You only fail permanently when you give up fully. Pivoting and changing directions to even changing your dreams is a natural part of the creative process. Recognize that it takes time, trial, and error to find your path in life…even if the paths are divergent at times – you’ll always get back on track once you’ve had some new experiences.

There’s nothing wrong with quitting or taking breaks when you need to; however, it is also important to know when to stop and know when it’s time to keep going. Know the difference between exhaustion and motivation – don’t give up before you’ve really tried! When you can distinguish the difference, you can push through that barrier so that you can fly!

Finding Inspiration

Sometimes as an artist, people look at my work or hear about what inspires me, and they’re inspired in turn. Sometimes this leads to amazing collaborating and amazing projects!!! I love to inspire others and have others inspire me. The best way for me to inspire others is through my work. This is how I have created some of my favorite projects. An example of this is my steampunk-inspired hat.

It’s important not to be afraid of your creative self. We all have a little bit of creativity in us, and it can manifest itself in many ways! Let yourself go with whatever idea you’re feeling. Don’t worry about what people might think or believe. Creativity is also not only art. I believe that creativity is found in all forms and all people.

Where to find Creativity

Creativity is so important to me. It’s what drives my passion for life, art, and it’s also what inspires me to capture my dreams. I am so excited to share my creativity with others and help people see that they, too, can create something. I hope to inspire them, just like teachers have inspired me in the past! I want everyone out there to find their brand of creativity too! So here are some helpful tips on how to do just that:

1) Find inspiration in things around you- whether it be a book, song, or even an animal.

2) Take time every day for self-care- this will help keep your creative juices flowing.

3) Dream big – don’t be afraid to try out new things, fail and fly!!!

I hope you find these helpful in your quest for creativity! Remember, it’s not just about creating art- creativity is also a way to live life. I want to encourage everyone out there to go after their BIG dreams and use all the creative tools they have at their disposal. Creativity is essential!!!

Check out some of my other projects like these Light-up Suspenders or the fun sewable light-up earrings!!!